Zoe Coaches

Learning how to work with couples in a pre-marriage or marriage session can be challenging. Moreover, gaining a workable knowledge of all of Zoe's benefits will involve some preparation time. And finally, dealing with unique relationship situations can leave you shrugging your shoulders on how to best handle the issue.

So if you are:
  • new to Zoe and learning the nuances of working with couples or
  • experienced with Zoe but dealing with one of those "touchy issues" or
  • simply curious about how other Advisors conduct their sessions,
then you might be interested in contacting a Zoe Coach.

If you would like to speak with someone who has been using Zoe or might have insights on dealing with those unique situations, just request a Zoe Coach - a Zoe user who has "been there and done that" and has agreed to help other Zoe Advisors.

To locate a Zoe Coach, please send an email to with your request for a Zoe Coach (please provide your preferred denomination and zip code). Then simply call or email one of the Zoe Coaches provided by Zoe and he/she will try to answer your questions and assist you with your issue.

And once you have used Zoe three times, you will be given the opportunity to assist other new Zoe Advisors - a way of returning the favor.

Please keep in mind that as a registered Advisor, you can always ask your questions via email, postal mail or telephone to Zoe by using the contact information at Contact Us. Or if you have a more straightforward question, chances are good that another Advisor has had a similar question and you might find your answer in the Zoe Advisor FAQs.