A Tour of Zoe for Advisors

'I now pronounce you Oil and Water.'

You're interested in what Zoe has to offer marriage advisors but would like to learn more. The easiest way to learn the most about Zoe is to Register as an Advisor.

Registration is free and gives you access to a practice-run through the instrument, a sample feedback report, online video training, Zoe Coaches and comprehensive "using Zoe" FAQs. If you would like to learn a few more details before registering, read on for a brief tour of Zoe.

Zoe Advising Process
When working with a couple, Zoe recommends using the following advising process:

Zoe's online video training discusses all the details within this process, but for our brief tour, we will dig deeper into Step 1, Gathering Information, and Step 4, Advising the Couple.

Gather Information
As shown in the following diagram, the Zoe Advisor and the couple use Zoe to gather and receive information. Once the Advisor registers the couple, Zoe sends an email asking the couple to approve their Advisor's access to their feedback and providing a link to

When the couple clicks the link in the email, Zoe directs them to the purchase screen at the ZoeScore website. When the couple pays $40.00 to use Zoe, their Zoe account is "connected" to their Advisor's account so both the couple and the Advisor will have access to the couple's feedback.

Then, Zoe gathers information from the couple by asking a series of over 300 questions to each partner separately and generates two feedback reports: one for the Advisor and one for the couple. The Advisor can release the couple's feedback report to them at any time.

Moreover, Zoe provides Advisors with tools that can be emailed to the couple on any marriage category that will most benefit them.

Advise the Couple
Once an Advisor has had an opportunity to read a couple's feedback report, formulate some impressions and plan a session, the couple and Advisor can meet to discuss the strengths and growth areas in the relationship. When the Advisor releases a couple's access to their feedback, the couple can come to sessions better prepared to discuss issues and challenges.

Within the Advisor Feedback Report, Zoe provides thought-provoking questions to generate a discussion on an overall category (like communication), solution-oriented questions to help the couple use their strengths to improve weaknesses and more detailed questions to help the couple get to the CORE of a specific relationship concept.

Once a session is completed, an Advisor can expand on or supplement certain discussions from a session by emailing scripture passages, techniques or recommended reading to the couple. This approach will keep the couple thinking about and working on certain topics while helping them to further develop their spiritual life together.

Finally, Zoe provides additional information on incorporating marriage mentors into an Advisor's marriage preparation program. Mentor couples provide valuable insights and assistance to pre-marriage couples and provide support for time-stressed Advisors.

This tour has given you more detailed information about Zoe's usability and its potential effectiveness. To learn even more about using Zoe with a couple, please click here to register as a Zoe Advisor.